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About me

川村 若菜





その後、サンフランシスコにあるUrban Permaculture Instituteに通い、都会を中心としたアーバンパーマカルチャーを学ぶ。

2016年日本に帰国後、食べれる森づくりを日本中で行う「Permaculture Design Lab.」の一味となり、ランドスケープデザイナーとして活動しながら、イラストレーターとしても仕事を始める。2018年に仲間とともに「みんなのちきゅうカタログ」を出版、イラストを担当する。現在、浜松市の市街地にあるフォレストガーデンや公共の場でのパーマカルチャープロジェクトに携わりながら、自宅でできるパーマカルチャーの実践&日々を描いている。



Wakana Kawamura

Illustrator & permaculture designer.

Born in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, in 1984.

After working as a nurse upon graduation from the university, her fascination by American music & art brought her to the west coast of the USA in 2008.

In the USA, she became passionate about plants and began learning landscape design.

While studying botany and design, she encountered Permaculture.

She attended "Urban Permaculture Institute" in San Francisco and studied urban permaculture centered around the city.

After returning to Japan in 2016, she became a part of "Permaculture Design Lab" that focuses on making edible forests in Japan.

While working as a landscape designer, she also started working as an illustrator.

Currently, she explores Sub-urban permaculture living at Hamamatsu City in Shizuoka Prefecture.

She loves invisible creatures such as fermentation bacteria and soil microorganisms and colorfully draws the celebration of "life" that she encounters in her daily life.

© 2022 Wakana Kawamura

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