Happy Lunar New Year!
Finally, I made it to draw our Avocado today!
I was worried that our Avocado tree was hit by the big cold wave this winter, but the tree is doing best. I picked a leaf that had been damaged by the cold and I started observing it carefully.
I love drawing leaves because it always takes me to the mysterious world.
I can see various patterns are hidden in the leaves!
The patterns are a figure rooted in the earth, a figure extending toward the sky,
It looks like there is a big tree in the leaves.
I wonder if it's what Avocado wants.
Yeah, I'm sure you will get bigger and bigger this year! 2021/2/12 アボカド 和暦新年、おめでとうございます! 曇り空の朝、明るくなるまで時間がかかったけど、鳥たちの朝ごはんタイムもカラスの通勤時間もいつもと変わらずやってきた。
今日はやっと、念願のアボカドを描けました。 今冬の大寒波でやられてしまいそうだったけど、なんとか頑張ってくれています。
葉っぱの中にいろんなパターンが隠れている! 大地に根をはる姿、空に向かって伸びる姿、
この小さい時葉っぱの中におおきな木がいるみたい! もしかして、アボカドの願う姿なのかしら。